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Eye Care Clinic

Your Optometrists in Sarasota & Osprey, Florida
Family Eye Care & Vision Therapy


Ensuring crisp and clear vision is only one part of first-rate eye care. In addition to testing visual acuity, our eye doctors focus on the comprehensive and long-term health of your eyes and vision. Using the latest in optometric technology such as digital imaging, in our Osprey eye care center, we will inspect your eyes thoroughly with a comprehensive eye and vision assessment. Our optometric experts stay up to date with the rapid progress of medicine and technology, so you benefit from precise diagnoses and optimal treatments. Many common eye diseases, such as macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma, do not present symptoms until a late stage. For early detection and effective medical treatment of eye disease, visit our highly qualified and skilled eye doctors near Sarasota regularly for a comprehensive eye exam.

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Specialized Eye Care
Medical Services For All Conditions

Vision Therapy helps patients improve their foundation for reading, learning and playing sports. It’s a series of custom and individualized activities and exercises which function as a form of neuro-optometric rehabilitation. The goal is to enhance eye tracking, focusing and eye teaming abilities as well as eye-hand coordination and visual processing speed.

The program is not only for children. Vision Therapy is effective for adults, especially if they are motivated to improve their visual abilities.

Read More About Vision Therapy


Because myopia is very often progressive, distance vision continues to get worse and worse. This means your child constantly needs an updated stronger prescription and new glasses or contacts. The progression of myopia often outpaces your child’s eye exams. Since learning is by and large visual, myopia negatively affects your child’s school performance. What’s more, the rate of progression of myopia directly correlates with the risk levels of developing vision-threatening eye diseases.

Read More About Myopia Management

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dr michael dr carol family eye care vision therapy orwasky

Ask Our Doctors a Question...

How do allergies directly affect the eyes?

Chronic allergies may lead to permanent damage to the tissue of your eye and eyelids. If left untreated, it may even cause scarring of the conjunctiva, the membrane covering the inner eyelid that extends to the whites of the eyes. Ocular allergies can make contact lens wear almost impossible and are among the many causes of contact lens drop-out. Most common allergy medications will tend to dry out the eyes, and relying on nasal sprays containing corticosteroids can increase the pressure inside your eyes, causing other complications such as glaucoma.

My child passed the screening test at school, isn’t that enough?

Distance and reading are two different things. Someone with perfect distance vision can still have focusing problems up close. Eye doctors check for both. Many children have undiagnosed accommodative (focusing) problems because no one ever looked for it before. We always check the distance and near vision of our patients of all ages because it is so important. Other areas that need to be checked include: eye muscle alignment, color vision, depth perception, and overall health of the eyes.

Why do my eyes feel irritated when I wear contacts?

There can be countless reasons why someone’s eyes may be irritated with contact lens wear. Here are 5 of the most common reasons that we come across. 1. Dry Eye: Dry eye symptoms affect more than 20 million people in the U.S., according to one Allergan study. Symptoms can include a burning sensation, excessive tearing, and redness. Some contact lenses can work better than others for dry eye patients. 2. Allergies / GPC: Many people suffer from different degrees of allergies associated with contact lens wear. Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC) is when bumps develop under the lid, where the constant blinking motion over the contact lens can irritate the eyes. There are many effective strategies for contact lens wear and allergies. Daily disposable contact lenses can have tremendous benefits for contact lens wearers with seasonal allergies. 3. Lid involvement / Meibomian Gland Dysfunction / Blepharitis: Our eyelids have a complex system that properly lubricates the eyes. When one component of it gets out of whack, it can dramatically affect the comfort of contact lens wear. There can also be different types of buildup on eyelashes, that can then fall into the eyes and irritate the surface. 4. Chronic Abuse of Contact Lenses / Overwear: Many of us have heard contact lens wearers say something like, “I wear my contacts until they start to bother me.” That strategy is like changing the oil after the car breaks down. 5. Fit / Type of Contact Lenses: Whether it’s dated technology, an old school lens, or a lens that’s too loose or tight, there are many aspects of contact lens wear that can be affected by the fit and type of lens used. A person’s history is important in determining what contact lens may work best for them, including certain systemic conditions, as well as the factors mentioned above. Visit your eye doctor, so we can diagnosis the issue, and try to help you feel more comfortable with wearing contact lenses.

Our Designer Optical

Model wearing bcbg sunglasses


Model wearing FYSH GLASSES


Model wearing NIKE glasses


Model wearing PRODESIGN sunglasses



694 S Tamiami Trail
Osprey, FL 34229
  • 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
  • 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Closed
  • Closed

If you experience loss of vision, double vision, swelling, infection or any eye emergency, contact us immediately for guidance. We’ll help you with the best treatment to prevent complications and promote long-lasting clear eyesight. We accept a wide range of insurance plans.
Please text or call our office at: 941-966-6700 for further instructions. Use your best judgment on urgency, if you feel the need to find the nearest emergency room.